Welcome to A Special Place

Our world is ever changing and fast paced. We are faced with a crumbling economy, the ever impeding threat of terrorism, and natural disasters. We're bombarded on a daily basis with noise, traffic, groceries, work, school, parties etc. We seldom sit and rest our minds anymore. Even more seldom than this, we rarely hear or see anything "good". I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some breathing space.

You have come to such a place. Take your shoes off, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea, coffee or water (for people like myself who should be banned from caffeine) and take a little break.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wow - These Look Amazing

I enjoy reading about Cake Wrecks http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ on a daily basis. Not sure why, but I believe I am attracted to the strange mixture of gooey frosting, flour and sugar mixtures. They fascinate me.

This post was really a good one as I remember watching the Muppet Show every week. These look so fantastic....not sure I'd want to eat it.

While talking about the Muppet's, found these clips


Ode to Beaker!

Hmmm Not Sure Why, but I Did - UPDATE

Well, yesterday I had to return Arkadia to her original owners. I was indeed allergic to her and she was sad.....since previous owners just lived downstairs from us. After much thought, I decided it was best to return her. I liked her a lot, but life happens sometimes.

I am grateful to have had the chance to meet her, and have her in our home for the short season.

Till next time..........

be blessed!

The Maltese Falcon - The 300ft Mega Yacht

$i30M Yacht I found this to be very interesting today...the first video is a little background clip of the yacht....owner, cost, specs.

The second is a video of this huge wonder sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time ever on Saturday September 27, 2008.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hmmm....Not Sure Why - But I Did

Have you ever had a desire to do something and not sure why you did it or wanted it? I am in that place today. For several months I'd been looking for a pet. I'd all but given up on finding one. I'd gone through several adoption places, enough kennels and pounds that I could probably tell you what kind of dogs they had each week.

After a series of unexpected events, I have acquired a new member to my family.....unfortunately, not yet of the human sort. It's a temporary arrangement for me as I have to assess whether I am allergic to said family member. Her name is Arkadia (I don't know why that name was chosen by the previous owners, but I don't want the hassle of adjusting the name.). She is a Chihuahua who doesn't like her crate. As far as I know, she is almost 3 yrs old (Nov 10th is her birthday) and she's doesn't weigh more than 4lbs.....she may be a little heavier, but not much. She loves riding in the car and taking long walks on the beach.

We shall see how this goes........til next time

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just in Case You Always Wanted to Know How -

Have you ever come across information you didn't know you needed until it appeared before you? This is what happened to me with this blog subject. I came across this article on line and have found it to be quite strange and different. As a matter of fact, most of my blog items are like that.....does any one else here see a pattern? Nah.....neither do I. Sorry, I was sidetracked for a moment.

In any case, I thought this was funny because it must be vitally important because it was on a BBC owned website. I cannot attest to the accuracy or validity of the article, but it seemed like an interesting read none the less.

For you reading enjoyment or lack there of, I present an article you cannot live without - "Learn to walk in extremely high heels" http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A3724977

As an afterthought, I will include a couple of videos of interest regarding same subject.

This short instructional video gives tips on how to walk in heels.

This short video shows how "NOT" to walk in heels.

(Yes, I am sorry to admit I laugh out loud every time I see this video.....shame on me).

Till next time.....peace! By the way to my male readers.....I am sorry to have subjected you to this, but knowledge is power and a female loved one you know may just need such information in the future.....she just doesn't know it yet.

Simulator? Huh?

I came across this website by accident. If you are bored or have time, I found this to be a neat little gadget to play around with. You don't have to give any of your info to play with it, nor does it require a lot of thought. I found it be very creative and well done. It's an opportunity to live your day the way you'd like to, (based on the choices you are given on the simulator). I even had the chance at bed time to enter a diary entry. When you get to the site, you should see a hamburger. Click the tab that reads "Simulator" to get started. I don't want to spoil it for you.....so with out further adieu here for your enjoyment - The Simulator: http://conceptlab.com/simulator/. Have fun.

till next time!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

MSG Free Flip Flops?

Many people are familiar with MSG. It is found in everything from Chinese food to Hamburger Helper. Perhaps it's just me, but I found it odd that they add it to shoes now. I am always the last one to know these kinds of things.

Apparently there is a high demand being presented in the market for shoes...flip flops, no less that will not have the bothersome effects or allergic and unpleasant reactions to MSG in their footwear. Well my friend, you can have this wonder footwear for a small price. Thus, the need to charge $49.99 for said delicacies.

I found this to be humorous. I was in the local Elephant Pharmacy http://www.elephantpharmacy.com/ in Berkeley last night just to check out the local wares. I came across this pair of flip flops and had to post it to my blog.

Sound off and let me know what you think.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Surfs Up

Just thought it was a kewl shot of a surfer catching the waves. I caught him just as he was turning into the next wave.

I took this photo on Tuesday of this week from the Oceanside Pier http://www.beachcalifornia.com/oceansi1.html, in Oceanside CA. http://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/


When one is on vacation, there is an expectation of great food. When you are in an area known for it's beaches, surfing and food, there is a great thrill that comes with finding the perfect lunch or dinner spot to satisfy the pangs of hunger after a long morning of doing nothing.

I had already happened upon such a place and was full. As my husband and I were walking from this quaint little mall area to head to our resort, I happened upon a sign that made me chuckle and also made me grateful that I'd already had lunch. I found it in a deli as the special of the day.

I wondered what it would be.....tuna, chicken salad, maybe even a fish taco....the ideas were endless. I remember thinking that I'd hoped it wouldn't be egg salad....that doesn't seem like a good sell item to me. All I have to say is......Yummy, yum yum yum!

*pics from www.wikipedia.org and www.associatedcontent.com

Special of the Day Bologna Sandwich on white bread with
American cheese - for $4.99

Your thoughts? Till next time......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Since I was unable to try the yogurt, I figured I would just take a trip to the ocean instead. This is a picture taken at the hotel we are staying at in Oceanside CA. It's a neat little town full of surfing and a lot of beaches. I will post more about the trip later.

Till next time.....

be blessed

Monday, September 8, 2008

Do You Need to Relax?

Has your day been hectic and crazy? Are you feeling overwhelmed by life? Do you need to take a moment to relax and reflect on happier things? Well you don't have to go to some far off location or to the local spa for a massage......Just eat yogurt! But it will only work if it's the brand in the above photo. This was a first for me to see a milky product that can evoke a sense of euphoria.

My husband purchased it....at the time of this writing, he couldn't really say that it worked....but it's worth a try.

Till next time.....grab a nice cup of yogurt and take some time to relax.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Simple But True

This struck me as simple yet profound. God will always make a demand on the anointing, gifting and talents He has placed inside of us. When this demand is made, there is an expectation from the Father for us to "Respond". I got a beautiful reminder of this on yesterday when I was on Myspace. With his permission I would like to share it with you:

Respond by Giacomo Knox

To what He put in you...

To what He gave you...

To what He has for you...

To where He wants you to go...

To the price He paid for you...

To His LOVE for you...


We are a mighty army of men and women who have the responsibility to respond to the call, gifting and purpose God has entrusted us to handle. It's simple but true.

I want to thank Giacomo Knox the author of the poem, and a co-laborer with Christ, for allowing me to post his simple work - I want to give honor where it is due and pass on some info about his newest project called "A week with my father".
"A Week With My Father is the brainchild of Actor and Screenwriter Giacomo Knox. The show was created to bring African-American men and their estranged fathers together for a one week reunion. " (see site link above for more info).
It is a work that I believe is over due in the entertainment industry. I encourage you to take a look at and support him in anyway you can. Additional information may be found at http://www.myspace.com/aweekwithmyfather.

By the way....Giacomo has not paid or asked me to supply info about his project. He only asked for credit to be given for his poem. Be blessed.

Till next time......

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I am currently in the process of working on two blog entries that are going to be a bit challenging for me. So to lighten my thoughts a little, I decided to share something playful, cute and just funny instead. I can so relate to this little fella. If you have ever had a day or days when you just felt like the world was just out to get you and you decided you need to preserve yourself, then this is definitely a video we can all relate to.
