Welcome to A Special Place

Our world is ever changing and fast paced. We are faced with a crumbling economy, the ever impeding threat of terrorism, and natural disasters. We're bombarded on a daily basis with noise, traffic, groceries, work, school, parties etc. We seldom sit and rest our minds anymore. Even more seldom than this, we rarely hear or see anything "good". I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some breathing space.

You have come to such a place. Take your shoes off, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea, coffee or water (for people like myself who should be banned from caffeine) and take a little break.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Absolutely Perfect

What in the world? How can I say that today? I was pretty much in the house all day today. I've determined that no matter what life throws my way, I will continue to fight. Just like you, there is always something going on in our daily life/schedules. Once in a while, in the middle of living life, we have a moment where we are able to be transformed to another world or place. I had such a moment today.

I was walking to the mailbox to pick up the daily bit of useless stuff when I realized that it was warmer outside than I'd previously thought. Then it happened....just for an instant. The breeze and the feel of the sunshine on my skin...the smell of slight crispness and the light rustle of slightly yellowing leaves gave me the feeling of another place. A place where hayrides and pumpkin patches prevail. You know the place....the place where the crock pot comes into the house again and fills it with the delicious aroma of beef stew or chili. Or when the cinnamon scented pine cones from Michael's or JoAnn's fill the table area of your home......making it smell so delightful. Or the moments when children come home with pictures of hand shaped turkeys decorated with pretty crayon embellishments.....it was one of those moments. At that point in time....life was absolutely perfect!

Find the time to enjoy your perfect moments today. Although they are fleeting and can be over looked or missed by living life, it's vital to capture them and hold on....because they make life worth living.

Absolutely Perfect!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Yippie...It's Monday

Before you start with the groaning and the desire to slap me for such cheerful words on a Monday, I am just here to help keep things in perspective. There is no reason for us to wake up on the wrong side of the bed or fill ourselves with useless dread when we wake up on Monday mornings. IF you are on the wrong side of the bed....sometime before the week is out, move the bed to the other side of the room. This works really well because it will save you from future injury, thus helping you have a greater joy when you arise.

Okay, some of you are saying to themselves right now "but you don't have any idea....I've got the kids, work, school, soccer, deadlines, ministry, momma, responsibilities, bills, stress" and a whole host of other things that can be inserted into this list - which never ends. Oh..don't get it twisted, I can relate. I hated Mondays and every day of the work week. I lived for my weekends. To the point where it caused me to be so stressed out that I was having health issues. I had to make an attitude adjustment. The problem wasn't my circumstances (obviously because those didn't change). The problem was my outlook and attitude. It was easier to look at my own disappointments and inabilities, insecurities and fears and focus on myself, than it was for me to get out of my own way and change my outlook.

Life is so short and fleeting. It is a gift (that's why it's called the present (not my quote). If we forget that it is a gift then we are very likely to take it for granted, complain about it and become dissatisfied with what we have. It's all about perspective. What are you looking at? What is your outlook? What is your focus on? What can you change?

It's a lot easier to point the finger at others and hold them responsible for our bad behavior. The truth is...you can only be responsible for how you respond or not respond. The choice is yours. So once again I say "Yippie....it's Monday."

P.S. Because you were so kind to have stopped by, I've included a little something special for you to check out. http://www.ktla.com/krcw-bizzare-beards-and-mustaches,0,7562154.photogallery

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I don't know about you guys but I am fed up with the lack of encouraging and positive information being passed on to our minds via news feeds, media streams, radio and television. After so many crazy, disturbing things being shown or presented, I needed to find something that made me smile. I had to find something that was fun. So I decided to post these videos.

You are bound to see something that is familiar to you in these dance creations. Hope you enjoy these fun videos by Judson Laipply. For more information about the artist please check out His website at http://www.theevolutionofdance.com/

Evolution of Dance

Evolution of Dance 2

Have a great Friday. Remember to smile and speak life into others. Till next time...peace.

I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below- Cheers

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lifetime Choices

Each day we are presented with opportunities to make a choice. We decide we will brush our teeth before going to potty in the morning, bagel instead of eggs, coffee instead of juice. Speed or no speed to get to morning job or chores, jeans or shorts, red purse or green backpack, cheese no cheese, smile or no smile....you get the picture. Although these are basic, simple things, most of life consists of these types of choices.

In our lifetime there are choices that come along that we later discover to be monumental moments in which our lives will never be the same again. What choice did you make the last time this came up? Did you make the choice you would have liked or did you make a huge mistake? Did you regret the choice? What would you do differently? Would you change the choice? What about the outcome?

You only have one life to live. Good, bad indifferent, once the choices have been made, the consequences of said choice have been propelled into motion. Today, if you find yourself at the crossroads of choice making, chose the one that works the best. (Please keep in mind this is not an excuse to do things that are legally or morally irresponsible or wrong). YOU may not get it right. It may be imperfect and challenging, but that doesn't mean it was a WRONG choice.

Be true to yourself, be true to your dreams, be true to your choices. No one ever survives in this life looking back into the rear view mirror to drive forward, to do so would cause disastrous results. I encourage you today to make wise, well thought out choices. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to see it to the end, own it, embrace it and hang on for the ride. I've yet to see anything that indicates our lives would be "sunshine and roses", but there are definitely going to be plenty of "rose smelling" opportunities.

If there is regret, forgive - heal and move forward. Don't give up, and remember this choice is not the end all and be all to life. Make wise choices today, seek Godly council (if available), trust the choices and enjoy your life.....because it's too short to fill it with regrets, and "could have, should have, wish I woulda" thoughts.

Be encouraged

Saturday, September 12, 2009

BIG PIC: 9-11 in Remembrance

This was such a surreal photo from the space station during 9/11 in NYC. Had to share it.

BIG PIC: 9-11 in Remembrance

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