Welcome to A Special Place

Our world is ever changing and fast paced. We are faced with a crumbling economy, the ever impeding threat of terrorism, and natural disasters. We're bombarded on a daily basis with noise, traffic, groceries, work, school, parties etc. We seldom sit and rest our minds anymore. Even more seldom than this, we rarely hear or see anything "good". I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some breathing space.

You have come to such a place. Take your shoes off, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea, coffee or water (for people like myself who should be banned from caffeine) and take a little break.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Has This Ever Happened to You Before?

Hello all! Have you missed me? I was out of town for a little while and finally getting back on track with my blog. For those of you who missed me.....

Have no fear....Saltandlight is here! Able to crush the blues in a single bound. Able to bring a smile in a nano second. So with out further delay I present to you.....today's blog!!! (And the crowd goes wild!!)

Has this ever happened to you before?

I was randomly searching things on YouTube, as it offers a wealth of information you didn't know you needed to know via video and audio feeds, when I came across this little number.

Well having been thoroughly entertained for a few minutes I decided to seek out a more current video for 2009. Though I found a few, none had the quality and pizazz of this one. I searched high and low and then it happened....this jewel was found. I proverbial work of art. Not what I was looking for or what I expected. Feast your eyes on this:

All I can say is.....nothing. I was speechless~ I could only hold my breath, hang my head and feel an immense need to cry....then it happened......the most bizarre thing! I started laughing hysterically. I felt bad for the man, but I had to laugh because it was so funny. Keep in mind, I'd seen this video before long ago, but had forgotten the impact it had. So, I decided to share it with you!

When you think you are having a bad day....watch the second video two times and call me in the morning!


Nicole J. Butler said...

How awful. Is that real?? The only way I can keep from feeling sick in the pit of my stomach is to believe it was staged. Not like giving the old guy a beat-down would bring the tower back.

Truly awful.

Guess we know what this dude will be doing for the next two weekends. Again.

MoSigma said...

Nicole hit it right on the head. If this was staged, then it is funny. But if it wasn't staged, then it is even funnier. I've had those days. Not that I've built a tower out of Jenga pieces (and apparently by himself since he didn't introduce a team that helped), but I've been in situations where hindsight is truly 20/20. He is probably thinking any combination of the following:
1) next time use a wireless mic
2) put a rope around my structure
3) only allow flash photography within 10 feet of it
4) don't let anyone see it until Guinness has certified it

Well, the list goes on. But at least it only took him 2 weekends. Next time he can set aside time on a holiday weekend or take time off from work/school and get it done sooner!

Thanks Sis for sharing!