Welcome to A Special Place

Our world is ever changing and fast paced. We are faced with a crumbling economy, the ever impeding threat of terrorism, and natural disasters. We're bombarded on a daily basis with noise, traffic, groceries, work, school, parties etc. We seldom sit and rest our minds anymore. Even more seldom than this, we rarely hear or see anything "good". I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some breathing space.

You have come to such a place. Take your shoes off, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea, coffee or water (for people like myself who should be banned from caffeine) and take a little break.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Look Up in the Sky...It's a Bird, It's A Plane...Oh Wait...it is A Bird

Happy Monday everyone. As the evening comes to a close, I thought I'd post a few things that were pretty neat. I love birds. I think they are such amazing creatures. Last week I found this web cam feed and thought it was pretty amazing.

Right now is nesting season for many a winged friend. The two most fascinating ones to me were the eagle and the humming bird. The eagle cam is on 24/7 with infrared cameras for viewing at night. It is sponsored by the Raptor Resource Project in Decorah Iowa. The humming bird cam is also on for 24/7 but may be difficult to view during certain times. It is being hosted by a family in Laguna Beach CA. It is viewable on World of Hummingbirds via USTREAM.TV web site. Please note there is a 30 second or less commercial that will play before the feed starts. Today I had the opportunity to watch in real time both the eagle and the humming birds feeding their chicks! It was way cooler know I was watching the magic as it happened. It was surreal and beautiful. (Not the gross animal parts with the eagle tearing the food though). Hope you like it as much as I did.

Happy Bird watching!

Here is the feed to the Eagle Cam:

Free TV Show from Ustream

Here are the humming birds:

Free video chat by Ustream

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Made Me Laugh Out Loud - What a deal!

If any of you really know me, you know that I love to laugh a lot. I have a very comedic mind and things make me go "What in the world?" all the time. I've been avoiding putting those moments here for a while, but now, I will let you in on some of the giggles I've been getting this week. (Yes I know the week has only begun, but I see stuff every day).

I was checking my emails today and I had to chuckle. I get notices each day for daily deals on line that are offered by local vendors/business. So far I've seen some really cool ones, like sailing on the SF Bay with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. I even got one that I jumped on for two movie tickets from Fandango for $8.00. Who can resist a $4.00 movie ticket?

Today the email read "Manicure+Facial+Foot Reflexology" with an offering price of $30.00 (a 70% savings). I decided to give it a gander. My standard practice is to open the deal, if I like it, then I will check it out the locale on yelp.com (because I don't like special surprises when I get to a place, especial nail places), and then decide it it's worth my bid. I was unable to get past the heading because the deal had an alternate deal if the mani facial footy thing didn't work. You have the choice to have this package:

"Brazilian Wax and Foot Reflexology" for same cost. WHAT THE.......

I can just hear someone now....you know I really don't need a mani and facial, I need some other stuff attended to. Wish they were offering a Brazilian.....REALLY?

Do they do the waxing and then the reflexology or is it the other way around? How does that work? In any case I have decided to pass on the deal all together. I am just saying.

Here is said link:


Enjoy your day and remember to laugh! It makes us live longer and look so much better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Don't Listen to the Non-Sense - Make Your Own Journey

In the society we live in, we're bombarded on a daily basis with outside influences that are the "experts" on what is considered real beauty, and the measure of true success and happiness. Most of what we feel we should be aspiring to be has been set or etched in our minds by what we read, hear, and see.

I have found that simple words (i.e. - "should", "could be", "may" or "possible") have bombarded our media and are now considered to be fact. Since when is speculation considered truth or factual? Who are the people who measure and make these statements? Why are they chosen or allowed to speak on behalf of all of society as said experts? Why do we listen to them?

"You should be a certain weight and then you will be perfect and desired." "You could be happy if you purchased this product." " It's possible to be a millionaire if your purchase my book. " I am sure you can find a host of other statements and words to insert here. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not indicating that one should neglect their health or treat their bodies in an unhealthy manner. I am all for the entrepreneur getting their hustle on. However, I am not okay with statements being pawned off on me as truth.

My $.02 worth is this. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy it. Enjoy the people who are around you in your world and don't take those things for granted. No one is perfect. We all have things that make us different and quirky. We respect those differences and accept them because this is what makes life wonderful. Make your own path to happiness.

Happiness is not found in the things the world presents to us. Most of the time, those things are dangled in front of us like a carrot on a string. Close enough to smell, taste, touch it, but always just out of ones grasp.

What dreams do you have? Who do you love? What did you really want to be when you grew up? What have you always wanted to tell someone you cared about? Or (Insert your own question here).

There are plenty of negative things being pointed out to us and served to us on a daily basis: Sickness, wars, pain, disease, tragedy, crime, hatred, waste and troubles unimagined etc. Don't buy the nonsense any longer. Enjoy your now because you don't get it again. Steer and captain your own vessel and make memories, on the journey life takes you on.

~ Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. ~Greg Anderson

Till next time,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Somethings Are So Over the Top!

Greetings and happy Spring! Spring is a great time of the year for new things. New weather, new outfits, and new ideas or attitudes.

What better time to debut something new than when you are rolling out the newest model automobile. We are a people who love gadgets, perks and accessories. What better way to celebrate than with the newest, coolest upgrades ever.....

10 of the most "gotta have" automobile options ever...if you don't have these....then well...sigh....Shaking my head.


My personal favorite....the tent.

I am sure when the creators of these brilliant concepts had their eureka moment, they just knew it was going to be the cat's meow. However, good intentions are not always well rewarded.

Your thoughts?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Just Cause I Like It

Hey everyone. We are well into on our way into 2010. I was just thinking about things I like. I don't often put things out there, but one of the things I like is reading. I love suspense novels, especially those that have an unexpected end or message involved.

One of my favorite writers in this genre is Ted Dekker. He is a writer who manages to fill his books with twists, turns, surprises and jaw dropping discoveries. He has a new book coming out in April 2010 called the Bride Collector.

The widget link below has review, excerpts and links to his websites. If you post the widget to twitter, blog or other social networking site, you can enter to win a few of his books in the contest area. (Though posting isn't required to win).

The Bride Collector

Check out a day in the life of Mr Dekker on Facebook at the link below

A Day in the Life of Ted Dekker

Well that's it for now. Just thought I'd share.

Till next time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Has This Ever Happened to You Before?

Hello all! Have you missed me? I was out of town for a little while and finally getting back on track with my blog. For those of you who missed me.....

Have no fear....Saltandlight is here! Able to crush the blues in a single bound. Able to bring a smile in a nano second. So with out further delay I present to you.....today's blog!!! (And the crowd goes wild!!)

Has this ever happened to you before?

I was randomly searching things on YouTube, as it offers a wealth of information you didn't know you needed to know via video and audio feeds, when I came across this little number.

Well having been thoroughly entertained for a few minutes I decided to seek out a more current video for 2009. Though I found a few, none had the quality and pizazz of this one. I searched high and low and then it happened....this jewel was found. I proverbial work of art. Not what I was looking for or what I expected. Feast your eyes on this:

All I can say is.....nothing. I was speechless~ I could only hold my breath, hang my head and feel an immense need to cry....then it happened......the most bizarre thing! I started laughing hysterically. I felt bad for the man, but I had to laugh because it was so funny. Keep in mind, I'd seen this video before long ago, but had forgotten the impact it had. So, I decided to share it with you!

When you think you are having a bad day....watch the second video two times and call me in the morning!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ahh...to be Tall Again!

While I was home sick, I took some time to explore a few videos on YouTube. I've grown bored with videos that show someone getting hurt or the same videos always seen. It was kinda like a quest you go on when you have a change of taste and want a "new" something. In the midst of my quest, I found this little jewel. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Please let me know what you think. I encourage your comments.
