Welcome to A Special Place

Our world is ever changing and fast paced. We are faced with a crumbling economy, the ever impeding threat of terrorism, and natural disasters. We're bombarded on a daily basis with noise, traffic, groceries, work, school, parties etc. We seldom sit and rest our minds anymore. Even more seldom than this, we rarely hear or see anything "good". I don't know about you, but I think it's time for some breathing space.

You have come to such a place. Take your shoes off, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea, coffee or water (for people like myself who should be banned from caffeine) and take a little break.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Love Hurts

Sometimes, love can be a little painful, but lets face it....it's worth it. I think you will find this every enjoyable! Have a great Sunday. Till next time.

For more info about the actor Jeff Crispi (cupid) - please check out his website.....


Friday, October 10, 2008

Earth from Above

I recently came across this site and found it to be very interesting.
Sometimes when we are living life we lose our perspective. We don't quite have the ability to take things in from a different point of view because our view is usually the same. A while ago I came across this site that allows us to see things from a different angle. Please click on the links below for a sweet view of our beautiful planet earth.



Peace and enjoy

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Please Don't Eat This! Wow A Real Life 12-Year Old Hamburger!

It's been said that the older we get, the better we age. Some kind of saying about fine wine or something to that effect. In any case.....I would love the have the secret that allows you to look the same 12 years later (if not better). I mean - is such a fountain of youth really available today? Where may I partake of such delicate nectar?

Well, look no further! I have found it in McDonald's my friend.

I found this to be very shocking. I've seen something similar to this in the past....this just served as a reminder for me as to why I don't eat at this establishment. I am very interested to know your thoughts on this.

Please take a gander at these actual posts before you watch the video. Very strange indeed. There is a link on this post that will give you much more detail about said miracle burger.

Can you tell which one of these beauties is a newborn and which is an elder? If you guessed the 12 year old to be the one on the right....then you my friend are Incorrect.............awwww...so sorry. The hamburger on the left is from 1996, the one on the right is from 2008.

Okay..still not convinced? Take a gander at this simple clip from the movie Supersize Me http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/ for a bit of shocking but true insight. All I want to know is what is up with the French Fries?

WARNING: If you have a sensitive or weak stomach....you may not want to look at this. At the very least, please don't watch it while you are eating a meal. If you can stomach it, I think you will find it to be very informative.